So I watched the trailer last night and watched it again not too long ago to maybe absorb what I may or may not have missed and while my initial reaction was...well...underwhelmed, I unfortunately remain underwhelmed. Let's talk about the positives. For starters I'm still liking Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. We've seen the brooding, cold, calculated Lex Luthor. Superman's elder who's fixated on power and control. Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor is less of a physical presence and more of intellectual titan. His first appearance on the screen he's visibly small in size and stature to both men, his voice is higher pitched and he's much more jovial than either of them, however he is completely self-absorbed and is delightfully devious. I think I will enjoy this Lex Luthor...and that's about the ONLY positive I have to say.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
The Strange Review: The Gift
Good Gravy was this a damn good movie! I happened on this little gem when I caught the trailer when trying to watch a video on Youtube and two things stuck out to me: 1) Jason Bateman was FINALLY in a serious drama and I've ALWAYS said Jason Bateman would be AWESOME in a serious drama (Newsflash, he kicks ALL kinds of ass in this) and 2) From what I gleamed from the trailer this was gonna be one of those REAL thrillers, a real slow burn that when it gets there IT F*CKIN' GETS THERE! Well, this movie F*CKIN' GETS THERE and it gets there HARD! Quick summary, Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall plays Simon & Robyn Callum, a couple who just moved to Los Angeles to start over and because of Simon's new job. While out buying stuff for the house, Simon runs into Gordon a.k.a Gordo played by the film's writer and director Joel Edgerton.
Upon meeting Gordo, Simon has no clue who he is, but starts to remember, with some coaxing that Gordo is someone Simon knew back in high school. Gordo is a kind of social awkward guy and he starts bringing gifts over to Simon's house and showing up uninvited. After awhile, it becomes clear that there's more to the story than just a few gifts. That's ALL I can say without spoiling anything! Honestly, this is the kind of movie I adore! Once again another CHARACTER driven story that doesn't require big budgets and CGI, NOPE, just great characters and a good story. Everyone brings their A Game here and it shows. Jason Bateman, who normally plays the social awkward guy is AMAZING here. This whole movie is GREAT from start to finish. Honestly, if you like slow burning thrillers that don't turn into sh*t by the 3rd act, you'll LOVE this. Can't recommend it enough! Okay, on to some spoilers!
Upon meeting Gordo, Simon has no clue who he is, but starts to remember, with some coaxing that Gordo is someone Simon knew back in high school. Gordo is a kind of social awkward guy and he starts bringing gifts over to Simon's house and showing up uninvited. After awhile, it becomes clear that there's more to the story than just a few gifts. That's ALL I can say without spoiling anything! Honestly, this is the kind of movie I adore! Once again another CHARACTER driven story that doesn't require big budgets and CGI, NOPE, just great characters and a good story. Everyone brings their A Game here and it shows. Jason Bateman, who normally plays the social awkward guy is AMAZING here. This whole movie is GREAT from start to finish. Honestly, if you like slow burning thrillers that don't turn into sh*t by the 3rd act, you'll LOVE this. Can't recommend it enough! Okay, on to some spoilers!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The Strange Review: Coherence
The term "indie movie" gets thrown around a lot, but no one can quite explain what exactly constitutes an "indie movie". After all, many a movie with small budgets and unknown actors manage to break into the mainstream: "The Blair Witch Project", "Paranormal Activity", "The Babadook", "It Follows" the list goes on and on, and while those films may have gotten where they are by excellent word of mouth, a realistic mystique or an endorsement from an established Hollywood mucky-muck, this film has none of that going for it. You'd think that'd hurt it but "Coherence", at least to me captures the full essence of what people mean when they say "indie movie". No, it's not dealing with themes of sexuality, no it's not a coming of age story like so many indie movies are and no, it's not a horror movie.
"Coherence" is a down-to-earth sci-fi/mystery film that manages to do SO much with so VERY little. The driving force of this movie isn't action sequences or well known actors (bare in mind the only "well known" actor in this film is Nicholas Brendon, and if you didn't have to Google him, then understand that you're in the minority) the driving force of this film is the characters. I came across "Coherence" completely by accident on IMDB of all places. I can't exactly explain how I came across it, but I did and just from a brief synopsis of the plot "Friends at a dinner party endure strange occurrences during a meteor shower", I knew I had to learn more. I went into this movie as cold as I possibly could and enjoyed every minute it. If you haven't seen "Coherence" I REALLY suggest you check it out, it's slow burning but it's all for a reason and you won't be disappointed if you're looking for a good sci-fi/mystery that doesn't get bogged down in science jargon that it can't tell a good story. To say more would be to give spoilers so I won't, go see "Coherence" now! After the break I WILL be talking spoilers!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
STRANGE LOG: 9-12-2015
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E10 "Game Over, Charles" Review

This has been advertised as "the summer of answers" and we're coming up on a MAJOR doozie, the most important questions of the series, Who and Why? And the 2nd most important question, "Will any of this make sense?" I'm highly dubious on that question. Is Charles a character we've known and have seen before or is he a completely new character that the writers will have to introduce? I can't think of an episode in this series that has been more important than this one, but with this revelation comes a different series of questions, just what will Season 7 look like? Will The Liars befriend Charles as they did Mona or will someone take "The Game" from Charles? What does this all mean and I hope by the end of this review I'll have some idea of how some of those questions will be answered. And with all that out of the way, let's dive into "Game Over, Charles"...
Friday, August 7, 2015
The Strange Review: It Follows
For those of you who don't know, "It Follows" tells the story of Jamie (or Jay, as she's called in the film) who is cursed to be followed by "It". "It" can take the shape of anyone and will do anything It needs to get close to It's victims. "It Follows" Jay as she tries to escape this curse.
This paragraph will be no spoiler as there is no way to talk about the film in depth without spoiling it. "It Follows" gets some brownie points for being filmed in my home town of Detroit, Michigan and actually making a reference to it in the film, but ultimately, it's not scary and my overall thoughts on the film is "It's not bad." and that's not entirely good. Saying "It's not bad." for me is like going to a restaurant, ordering a turkey sandwich and getting ham sandwich instead; Sure, the ham sandwich will do the same thing as the turkey sandwich, but it ain't what you ordered. This isn't to be entirely negative either, parts of the film worked, just the parts that REALLY needed to work unfortunately didn't. So if you're interested in an interesting movie that won't exactly scare you but entertain you for awhile, "It Follows" is entertaining, but nothing else really. And now for the REAL meat and potatoes...
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E09 "Last Dance" Review
Friday, July 31, 2015
STRANGE LOG:7-31-2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E08 "FrAmed" Review
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E07 "Oh Brother,Where Art Thou" Review
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E06 "No Stone Unturned" Review
Friday, July 3, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E05 "She's No Angel" Review
Friday, June 26, 2015
Hannibal S03E04 "Apertivo" Review
And so begins the swan song of one of the best written TV shows in TV history. Unfortunately the geniuses over at NBC (thanks to the unsophisticated dullards) have decided to cancel "Hannibal" due to low ratings. One can only hope that this show is rescued by Netflix (I know Amazon & Hulu exist, but I prefer Netflix) but saving a show is extremely rare, if that were the case "Awake" would be in its 3rd Season right now and "Cult" would be a MAJOR hit. Before I get on a tangent, let's begin the review.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E04 "Don't Look Now" Review
Friday, June 19, 2015
Hannibal S03E03 "Secondo" Review
Episodes like this make me feel like the show is losing it's damn mind and in a good way, more or less. In this episode we continue with Will Graham on his search for Hannibal by exploring his "Memory Palace", this leads Graham to Lecter's childhood home in Lithuania. Not much else subplot wise going on in this episode, but it's the slow burn that counts and pretty soon things will heat up. Let's dive in.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E03 "Songs of Experience" Review
I seriously need to start writing these intros AFTER I finish the previous episode, it'll maintain my train of thought. Anyways, last episode, Sara put some serious doubt into The Liars (namely, Emily) about Andrew's guilt and while Aria is out for blood and Hanna is looking to move on (more or less) Spencer and Alison are determined to solve the mystery of Charles DiLaurentis. Of course, Alison's father was no big help, and this only makes Spencer and Alison more dubious on the notion that there is no Charles DiLaurentis. So what's next for The Liars and Andrew "Walking Tall" Campbell, let's find out.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
What "Wayward Pines" Did Right!
Okay, Kiddos. Very rarely do I get to gush about something on TV unless it's "Hannibal" (which is currently the best written show on TV right now) but I've taken to watching "Wayward Pines" and in their most recent episode titled "The Truth", I have to admit I was EXTREMELY impressed with how it was handled and the impact it had on me. This isn't a review but it will contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched "Wayward Pines" up until episode 5, PLEASE GO give it a watch and come back.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Hannibal S03E02 "Primavera" Review
Is it possibly for this show to get any weirder than it already has? Apparently, yes, and if this episode is any indication of just how weird this season will get then OH BOY! In the previous episode we focused just a tiny bit on Bedelia DeMaurier and Hannibal's impersonation as Dr. Fell, but in this episode we switch back to Hannibal's arch nemesis & best friend Will Graham, what craziness awaits us in this episode? Check it out after the break.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S06E02 "Songs of Innocence" Review
Monday, June 8, 2015
Batman: "The Court Of Owls" Review
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Hannibal S03E01 "Antipasto" Review
Daddy is back kids and kittens, "Hannibal" kicks off Season Three after an incredibly brutal finale that saw all of our main characters (with the exception of the big cheese himself, Dr. Lecter) in peril. Jack suffering a massively bleeding neck wound in the pantry, Alana Bloom slowing dying after being pushed out the window by Abigail Hobbs, who's dying in Hannibal's kitchen next to a slowly bleeding out Will Graham, do finales get any darker than this? Maybe. Anyway, we join Hannibal and Dr. DeMaurier (in what appears to be) 8 months in Italy. So what's up with the good doctor now? Find out after the break;
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
I should really stop dating these since my blog does it automatically...just a thought. Anyways, I figured I'd update you lots (specifically Guga *waves* HI!) on the goings on here since situations have changed. So strap yourselves in for another Strange Log, kiddos!
Pretty Little Liars S06E01 "Game On, Charles" Review
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The Following S03E14&15 "Dead or Alive" & "The Reckoning" Review
Here we are, kiddos, that's all she wrote! The series finale of "The Following"! Who knew this run would end so early? I had my suspicions, but I thought it'd at least survive for a 4th Season. But as I've said before, it's better for a series to get canceled while it's still good than for it to stick around long enough to become "Dexter". And given the serialized nature of "The Following" and the fact that each season is more or less a self-contained story, and Joe Carroll is no longer with us, it's not like "The Following" is ending with MAJOR plot points left unfinished. If the series had ended in Season Two, that'd be awesome. But here we are at Season Three and The Series Finale, time to take us home.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Wayward Pines S01E01 "Where Paradise Is Home" Review
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
The Following S03E12 &13 "The Edge" & "A Simple Trade"
I should have know there was something up when "The Following" schedule showed some doubled up episodes. In case you haven't heard the news already, "The Following" has been officially canceled by FOX. At first I was surprised but after giving it some thought, I realized it was for the best. The show has 2 Seasons in the hole and a 3rd about to wrap up and while Season 2 got better later on, it was pretty much the show's last hurrah. Not to mention with Joe Carroll being executed (c'mon, that REALLY should have been the finale) it was unrealistic to think "The Following" would survive. But I'm here until the ship goes down and covering episodes 12 and 13. Let's dive in!
Sunday, May 10, 2015
STRANGE LOG: 5-10-15
Good Lord, Spring Sweeps has just swept in and man oh man did things get swept, some obvious ones and some shockers...actually in hindsight, not really a shocker but I digress. Anyways since a lot of those sweeps will have an impact on this blog moving forward, I figured now would be a good time go ahead and do a Strange Log for you guys and update everyone on the goings on here...
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The Following S03E11 "Demons" Review
Gotham S01E22 "All Happy Families Are Alike" Review
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Let's Talk About The Riddler
Let's talk about The Riddler. I've been threatening to do this for awhile now but after seeing how The Riddler in FOX's "Gotham" broke bad, my jimmies have been EXTREMELY rustled about portrayal of The Riddler in live action media. Needless to say, THEY'VE SUCKED!! The Riddler is actually my favorite Batman villain. Heresy, I know, mostly because everyone is a fan of The Joker (especially after Heath Ledger's iconic portrayal of him) but for my money it's always been "That Green Gentlemen". My love for The Riddler stems from my love of riddles, cryptic stories, puzzles, mazes and things of that sort. Hell, The Sphinx has always been my favorite mythological creature because it asks you riddles. Anyways, I am writing this article to pitch my idea for crafting the perfect live action Riddler. So let's dive in!
The Following S03E10 "Evermore" Review
Monday is a busy day for yours truly and here we are with the 2nd review of the day, "The Following". Last week, The Bret Hart of Serial Killers, Dr. Strassus' star pupil Theo reached out to Joe Carroll in order to obtain a code, for what? I assumed it was the rest of Dr. Strassus' students, but in actuality, it turned out to be something different. Anyways, because of Theo's house call, Joe was able to obtain a pair of sunglasses to fashion into a crude shank. Now we come to the fruition of that and boy do we have a lot to talk about.
Gotham S01E21 "The Anvil Or The Hammer" Review
So last week's episode concluded with Barbara entering into Christian Grey's oops, I mean The Ogre's 50 Shades Of Grey room, quite the cliff-hanger, NOT. In other news, Penguin finally managed to set up Maroni at his favorite bar. Meanwhile, Edward Nygma finally broke bad by stabbing the boyfriend of Ms. Kringle. I've been saying for awhile now that this show needs to do something balls to the walls crazy if it's gonna get renewed and with one episode left, it needs to do that now more than ever! Does the penultimate episode bring certain events to a head? Let's get to the play by play.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
A "Grimm" Dilemma Part Two
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
The Following S03E09 "Kill The Messenger" Review
Gotham S01E20 "Under The Knife" Review
Howdy Kiddos, sorry for doing these reviews the day after but I got tired, so sue me. Anyways we're back at it with "Gotham" and while Fish Mooney didn't return in this episode (Thank God!) unfortunately, Jim Gordon's dumb as four rocks Ex-Girlfriend appeared in this episode now being targeted by Christian Grey's much more sadistic little brother, The Ogre...a storyline which I'm surprised is still going on. A few things happen in this episode and we'll get to those things now.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
The Strange Review: The Babadook
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Mortal Kombat X Story Mode Review
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The Following S03E08 "Flesh & Blood" Review
Part two of the many reviews I'll be writing today. So "The Following", as of last week, we've gotten to know The Bret Hart of Serial Killers and Dr. Strassus' best student, Theo Noble (his last name being confirmed in this episode), and from what I've seen, aside from being extremely proficient with technology, he hasn't shown any finesse in his killing or covering his tracks. This episode doesn't exactly help Theo's case, but let's get to it when we get to it;
Gotham S01E19 "Beasts Of Prey" Review
Sorry for the tardiness, Kiddos. I had a job interview today so I had to go to sleep early last night, but last night I did get to watch "Gotham" now back on FOX! Oh and by the way, HAPPY "MORTAL KOMBAT X" DAY! Yes, the long awaited sequel to 2011's "Mortal Kombat" is out now and I'll be reviewing the story mode (as a movie) a little later on today, but for now let's talk about "Gotham". A few things to get into but for a quick re-cap, Alfred got stabbed, Jim Gordon is elected President Of The Policemen's Union and Fish Mooney is still trying to escape The Dollmaker. Are we all up to speed? Yes? Let's dive in.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
The Following S03E07 "The Hunt" Review
So sorry again for the tardiness, kiddos but it was late, I was tired and I wanted to talk to my wife instead of write a review, sue me. Anyways, we're carrying on with "The Following" as Joe Carroll's execution draws near and near, "The Hunt" for the mysterious Theo continues with Ryan & Co. meeting an old friend. So let's get to the review.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
The Following S03E06 "Reunion" Review
WOW! Wow what an episode! Some stuff I saw coming, some stuff I didn't see coming and of course our man, Joe Carroll is back to his old tricks. I have to say with what happen during Season 2, it's good to finally see this season go in a MUCH better direction. I was curious how they were going to follow up after Joe Carroll's Blood Cult, but this is looking very Dexter Season 4-ish. But we'll get to all that and more! Let's dive in.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S05E25 "Welcome To The Dollhouse" Review
And here we are kids & kiddos! After 120 episodes, 9 kills, 1 reveal of "A" (Mona) and a MAJOR bullsh*t reveal (Shana), we have come to the moment we've all been waiting for. With The Liars now sporting orange jumpsuits, Big "A" finally reveals themselves to The Liars. Could the stakes BE any higher than now? Was this reveal disappointing, senseless or was it totally worth the wait? All that and more after the break!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Following S03E04 & 05 "Home" & "A Hostile Witness"
My apologizes for the tardiness of this review, I was playing "Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks" with Kimmy and couldn't really sit down to do this because well...playing video games with the wife or review a TV show isn't much of a contest. But this is likely going to be a long review requiring my full attention because today is a double dose of "The Following", I suppose to make up for the previously announced but then revoked 2 Hour premier it was supposed to have. Anyways, last episode Ryan & Company managed to kill Neil "The Boxman" Perry and my new favorite duo of Daisy & Kyle installed cameras in Max's apartment all the while Mark is none the wiser but his better half, Luke is catching on that there maybe something else afoot with these two. Let's dive in!
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Comics & Feminism Pt. 2: Thor WITH BOOBS!!
Switching gears, let's talk about Marvel Comics and it's latest indiscretion. I've been rather lenient with Marvel, mostly because I'm a DC guy (not so much these days, until they turn Beast Boy green again, and while I understand that the "Mortal Kombat X" comic books are under the DC imprint, I am reading those for "Mortal Kombat" and not DC) and I'm a lot harder on what I love than what I also love (in this case, Marvel is like my step-son, sure, I care about him but he's not really mine). That being said, Marvel has wowed us with it's Cinematic Universe but on the page, Marvel's got some problems. One of those problems came in the form of a Norse Goddess with Boobs. Let's get to it;
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S05E24 "I'm A Good Girl, I Am" Review
Holy crap was this a good episode with an excellent ending! My goodness, where Seasons 6 and 7 are going is anyone's guess, but one thing remains certain, "A" is a BEAST! So much to get too and so little time to discuss it, but we're gonna try to discuss everything we possibly can. Let's dive into "I'm A Good Girl";
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Comics & Feminism Pt.1: Killing The Joke
Let's talk about things Strangeverse. It's been awhile since I've talked about DC & Marvel comics and usually when I bring up my old pals at DC Comics, I have nothing positive to say...I regret that this time won't be any different, but lucky for DC it won't be getting spanked alone, as Marvel will be joining them. Now I'm a DC person which is why I mention DC more often and am a lot harder on them than I am on Marvel. I haven't forgiven DC for making Beastboy red, turning Starfire into a callous whore, turning Wally West & Huntress Black (because diversity) and basically giving it to the DC Universe full on in the ass with no lube. But now Marvel is doing so and while their offense is minor, it's nonetheless glaring. While better people than I have spoken to these issues, I figured I'd best chime in with my 2 cents with 2 articles. So let's get to it;
Comic Book,
DC Comics,
Marvel Comics
DLCs & Gaming And Why They Suck
Seems like today was article writing day for me as I have at least 3 articles in the chamber and a 4th coming tomorrow (the "Pretty Little Liars" review). That being said, while my next 2 articles are going to be rather scathing and grumpy, I've decided that to start thing off with a rather lighter article. This one having to do with video games and more specifically DLCs. I've been saying it for awhile that DLCs sucks (and I'm certain no one will disagree with me, after all, who likes spending money?), but I'm going to explain exactly WHY they suck and what can be done about it. So let's get to it;
The Following S03E03 "Exposed" Review
Things are getting more and more interesting this season as everything is in a slow boil right now. Neil "The Boxman" Perry goes down for the count and we get a brief look into Daisy & Kyle's motives. More after the break!
Friday, March 13, 2015
The Strange Review: Gone Girl
This is going to be a spoiler filled reviewed, so if you haven't seen "Gone Girl", GO WATCH IT, it's good! Since this is a spoiler review I'm going to talk about "Gone Girl" under the assumption that you've already seen it, so I won't rehash plot points, just discuss them. The reason I'm writing this is because there are a lot of reviews out there and I have to say one review in particular made me go "Seriously?". While I won't be writing in response to that review, I will be writing my thoughts on "Gone Girl" as a movie and it's overall themes. Please keep in mind that this is a review of the movie, NOT THE BOOK! But considering the screenwriter is the author, I think it's safe to say I'm looking at a pretty reliable adaptation. LAST CHANCE!! And now, "Gone Girl".
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S05E23 "The Melody Lingers On" Review
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
The Following S03E02 "Boxed In" Review
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Pretty Little Liars S05E22 "To Plea Or Not To Plea" Review
Hello Kids & Kittens, I'm back with yet another "Pretty Little Liars" review, didn't I say I'd be back to a regular schedule? Well, I delivered, didn't I? Anyways, we're now starting to get somewhere with this Season, with the police now building a case against Alison & her (supposed accomplice) Hanna "a.k.a Thuglife" Marrin. This episode was pretty good, but I'll explain all that and more after the break
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
The KOTD Title & Judged Battles
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