This is kind of a different article, more of a blog than an article or discussion or anything but I'll try not to be super personal. Anyways, growing up I never played board games. I had a few friends but we mostly played outside, games like Tag & Red Light, Green Light and (my favorite, much to the chagrin of everyone else) charades, but board games was a thing that eluded my brother and I. Sure, we had an occasional Uno games here and there somewhere with someone at one point in time, and despite everything I adore Chess and will always play if there's a board around but that was about it. We didn't have an aversion to them, that's for sure just I don't think of my friends back in the day owned any board games. Anyway, fast forward to now where, now married, my wife's family has a healthy collection of board games and I've learned to enjoy such games a Skip-Bo, Clue, Payday (and my personal favorite) Monopoly Deal (I loathe actual Monopoly with a passion!)