Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Anime RE-Claimed: Spy X Family

So here's a fun fact about me, I love me some James Bond, I love spies and spy stuff, I love James Bond so much that I even made my own James Bond-type character complete with a series of adventures that sound like unused Bond titles. This isn't to say that "Spy X Family" or "Spy Family" (because the "X" is silent) is anything like James Bond, it's not, not at all, BUT that is the groundwork for the series. When two different genres meets, the exciting spy thriller with...slice of life hilarity ensues. The American market does this often when some high-ranking military bad-ass is suddenly saddled with a bunch of kids ("Suburban Commando", "The Pacifier", "Cop and a Half", "The Spy Nextdoor") the list goes on, usually American tends to ramp up the comedy and while this isn't much different, anime has a way of making things more organic. What "Spy X Family" offers us is an unlikely trio of misfits who by hook and crook are somehow making a lie as thin as a sewing needle work as the foundation of a family, let's dive in.