HOT DAMN! NEVER Have I been MORE impressed with a Power Rangers series! So as you guys know, I started explore The Post Zordon Era Power Rangers series, Thanks to Linkara's series "History Of The Power Rangers". If you haven't checked that series out, PLEASE DO! I consider it essential viewing for ANY Power Rangers fan. Last time I checked out "Power Rangers: RPM", so I decided to check out the series before that "Power Rangers: Jungle Fury". Which is interesting because I haven't heard much about "Jungle Fury". Now that I've finally got around to finishing it, all I can say is "WOW!". Check out the review after the break!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
After Thoughts On "Ravenswood"

And so with 5 episodes behind us, I think it's about time I give my after thoughts on the "Pretty Little Liars" spin-off "Ravenswood". While I will complete the Season, I'm not exactly keen on where the series has gone thus far, and with only 5 episodes in it's wake, QUITE a bit has happened that makes me leery on how well this series will stack up to it's parent series and I list all those reasons after the break.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
STRANGE LOG: 11-17-2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Pretty Little Liars S04E13 "Grave New World" Review
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the newest addition of The Strangeverse, "Pretty Little Liars" reviews (starting at Season 4)(better late than never)(yes, I'm watching this show, shut up!)! Unfortunately, this will be the only one for awhile because alas, this was a Halloween episode and our favorite victims are on break until January, which is still ample time for us to continue our tour of "Ravenswood" which I'll be getting to later. For now, we're focused on our four fierce femme fatales. Unlike most Halloween episodes, this episode actually had some significant developments, all of which will be addressed after the break!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Early Thoughts On "Ravenswood"
I can't honestly say what exactly it is that has me excited about the "Pretty Little Liars" spin-off "Ravenswood". Is it the name and my love of all things raven (be it the poem, the Teen Titan or the professional wrestler), is it my complete adoration of small town mysteries ? Is it the creepy introduction we had to this town earlier in the 4th Season of "Pretty Little Liars" or is it simply the fact that Hanna's exclusive beau, Caleb Rivers is headlining this series? Whatever the case maybe, I'm completely stoked for this series. Stoked enough to share some early thoughts on what the series COULD potentially be about, enjoy after the break.
STRANGE LOG: 10-20-13
So let's talk about the future of The Strangeverse and how things are going to be down the road. As many of you know or may not know, my Blip account is going to be deleted come Nov. 7th, that means that The Best Of The Worst, Deconstruction, DEXTER-ity, and any and all one shot videos I created previously will be unavailable until I find a new host site for them (which may not happen in a timely fashion) so for the sake of brevity, I'll just say that those series will BE DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!
That being said, a few things are going to change here (for better or worse, depends on who's looking at it). I'll be doing more written reviews as I've stated in a "Chainsaws & Vicodin" video, as far as The Best Of The Worst is concerned, I MAY or MAY NOT be doing written reviews of those movies, BUT the things with The Best Of The Worst is that it's easier to mock in video format. So if I do written reviews of those movies expect them to be few and far between, and the same applies to Deconstruction. Ultimately "The Strange Review" will be my primary movie reviewing series. The TV Round Up will also continue on this blog as an article with the trailer embedded and comments below. Not ideal but I really like The TV Round Up Series and we'll see what can be done.
As for The Strangeverse Storyline, as it stands now, I'm forced to turn it into an actual webseries as opposed to embedding storyline segments in reviews. The reason I put storyline segments in reviews because the subject of the review is something reflective of the storyline's theme. As far as previous storylines are concerned, Season 3 & 4 will be condensed into a 2 videos with ONLY the storyline segments available. Season 5 will effectively be a webseries solely based on Youtube. While this may limit my creativity, I'm looking forward to the challenge and for what I have planned for Season 5, it maybe my best one yet. Season Two unfortunately can't be reformatted in this way and therefore will remain in text format.
In conclusion, while I'm not particularly happy (in fact I'm downright pissed about the current state of affairs) they are outside of my ability to change and much like Anne Hathaway's Catwoman, "I'm adaptable.", so I just have to roll with the punches and do what I can to keep this thing afloat until I can find a location to host my videos OR just have them available for download on Mediafire or something...we'll see. The following articles will be coming to this blog:
"Pretty Little Liars" Reviews....Oct. 23rd & Ongoing
"Grimm" Reviews...Oct. 26th & Ongoing
"Power Rangers: Jungle Fury" Review...TBA
"The Following"
That being said, a few things are going to change here (for better or worse, depends on who's looking at it). I'll be doing more written reviews as I've stated in a "Chainsaws & Vicodin" video, as far as The Best Of The Worst is concerned, I MAY or MAY NOT be doing written reviews of those movies, BUT the things with The Best Of The Worst is that it's easier to mock in video format. So if I do written reviews of those movies expect them to be few and far between, and the same applies to Deconstruction. Ultimately "The Strange Review" will be my primary movie reviewing series. The TV Round Up will also continue on this blog as an article with the trailer embedded and comments below. Not ideal but I really like The TV Round Up Series and we'll see what can be done.
As for The Strangeverse Storyline, as it stands now, I'm forced to turn it into an actual webseries as opposed to embedding storyline segments in reviews. The reason I put storyline segments in reviews because the subject of the review is something reflective of the storyline's theme. As far as previous storylines are concerned, Season 3 & 4 will be condensed into a 2 videos with ONLY the storyline segments available. Season 5 will effectively be a webseries solely based on Youtube. While this may limit my creativity, I'm looking forward to the challenge and for what I have planned for Season 5, it maybe my best one yet. Season Two unfortunately can't be reformatted in this way and therefore will remain in text format.
In conclusion, while I'm not particularly happy (in fact I'm downright pissed about the current state of affairs) they are outside of my ability to change and much like Anne Hathaway's Catwoman, "I'm adaptable.", so I just have to roll with the punches and do what I can to keep this thing afloat until I can find a location to host my videos OR just have them available for download on Mediafire or something...we'll see. The following articles will be coming to this blog:
"Pretty Little Liars" Reviews....Oct. 23rd & Ongoing
"Grimm" Reviews...Oct. 26th & Ongoing
"Power Rangers: Jungle Fury" Review...TBA
"The Following"
Thursday, October 10, 2013
American Horror Review #2: Asylum
I must LOVE torturing myself because I did it again. As no doubt Season 3 of "American Horror Story" now subtitled "Coven" is probably WELL into the stupidity that seems to plague this series like flies to feces, I think it's time to reflect on the train-wreck, sex riddled, nonsensical, half-baked, poorly written, go nowhere, dog-chasing-it's own tail, mind-numbingly awful 2nd Season of "American Horror Story". Although unlike the last review, this time I take on a FULL Season of this bullsh*t! I survived, but I'll never be the same again. Also feel free to check out this nifty little link that hit all the points I couldn't. Meanwhile...Ugo & The Seeker prepare to embark on their quest to obtain The Jacket!
Friday, September 27, 2013
DEXTER-ity: Season Eight Review & Analysis

And here we are Oh my brothers and only friends, the 2nd to last episode of DEXTER-ity dealing with the final season of "Dexter" and boy oh boy do I have some choice words for this (as Debra Morgan would put it) "Fuckpocalypse". Unlike most DEXTER-ity episodes, this is actually going to be quite long, so I broke it up into 3 videos and included a few comments below that I thought were hilarious, so after watching my videos you can hopefully get a laugh. Also there are some very important observations I've made that I unfortunately didn't write in my review (because that would have made the video hours long and I would have been ranting and foaming at the mouth by the end of it). Anyways, ENJOY!
Monday, August 26, 2013
Why We HATE Hannah McKay
Okay kids and kittens, I've been trying to turn this into a video BUT it's been a hard minute since I wrote an article here (and whenever I try to record a video it ends up being somewhere around 22 minutes and I end up ranting), also I'm a lot more eloquent when I'm writing my thoughts, rather than verbally expressing them. So, if you guys have watched my DEXTER-ity episode for Season 7, you'll know that I didn't particularly care for the character of Hannah McKay. Much to my anger, Hannah McKay is back for Season 8 (oh goody...-_-).
Anyway, I know I'm not alone in the utter hatred of Hannah McKay, BUT some of us have EXTREME difficulty putting into words WHY we don't like Hannah McKay. SO as a courtesy to you guys, I've decided to list the MANY valid reasons we don't like Hannah McKay, so you won't have trouble listing them. Enjoy after the break! By the way, SOME SPOILERS AHEAD! SO IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED SEASON 8 UP TO THIS DATE, DO NOT READ (not that it really matters because you're not missing anything)
Anyway, I know I'm not alone in the utter hatred of Hannah McKay, BUT some of us have EXTREME difficulty putting into words WHY we don't like Hannah McKay. SO as a courtesy to you guys, I've decided to list the MANY valid reasons we don't like Hannah McKay, so you won't have trouble listing them. Enjoy after the break! By the way, SOME SPOILERS AHEAD! SO IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED SEASON 8 UP TO THIS DATE, DO NOT READ (not that it really matters because you're not missing anything)
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Let's Talk "Hannibal"...
So with NBC's newest series "Hannibal" wrapping up and being renewed for a 2nd season, I'm of the mind set that with "Dexter" wrapping up, someone needs to step up and fill the serial killer void. Who better than The Father Of Fictional Series Killer (Norman Bates being the Grandfather) Hannibal Lecter. In this article I'm going to discuss my likes and dislikes of this series. But I'm gonna preamble this by saying that my dislikes aren't dislikes but rather things I'd like to discuss. SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT SO IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED "HANNIBAL" DO NOT READ PASS THE BREAK!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
A Song Of Image & Sexism
And so we're back to this old topic of Feminism and The MRM. As most of you reading this know I've recently taken the Red Pill and well I'm starting to see a lot of crap going on, especially in my own backyard. This little gem found it's way on Facebook a month ago and I wanted to say something then BUT I didn't feel like getting into a comment war on Facebook...and I've been in quite a few of those. This isn't anything alarming BUT it is an amusing microcosm of a larger issue. So let's dive in;
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Fan Rage & The Right To B*tch
In light of the recent "Iron Man 3" Mandarin Controversy (That I'm officially calling "Mandargate"), I watched several videos and read a few articles detailing the polarizing reactions from fans and laymen alike which lead me to write this article, Do fans have the right to bitch? The short answer is Yes, and I'll give you the long answer after the break;
DC Comics,
Fan Rage,
Marvel Cinematic Universe,
Friday, May 3, 2013
Can We Talk About "Iron Man 3" Now ?
So unlike most you cats, I got to see "Iron Man 3" earlier than some of you so I was sitting on quite a bombshell for a few days. Now that "Iron Man 3" has been released to the general public, I can discuss my thoughts in greater detail and discuss some spoilers. So if you haven't seen "Iron Man 3" and want to stay away from spoilers, DO NOT READ BELOW THE BREAK! However if you don't care about spoilers please continue on;
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Let's Talk About "L O S T"...
Sunday, March 17, 2013
The Friend Zone #3: How Do You Escape Or Deal With It ?
AND HERE WE ARE, THE FINAL article in my 3 part series on The Friend Zone. Thank you for reading thus far and whether you agree or disagree with the points I've made in the previous articles, the fact of the matter is you're open to discussion and that means a lot. Hopefully I've given you much to think about and consider and with this final article (and possibly an addendum to be posted later) I hope to bring my points home and offer a solution to both The Friend Zone'd Man and Woman as well as The Person Of Their Affection so that both parties can traverse the terrain of The Friend Zone without causing the other harm. I will note that I have passed all my articles through my wife, for a 2nd opinion as well as editing and a 2nd pair of eyes to see if I've handled both sides of the fence (Men and Women) without demonizing or victimizing either sex. Basically what I'm saying is you aren't reading anything that I haven't shown her, so if I did demonize women, she'd be the first to point it out.
This article will be gender segregated, as once again the plans of escape and dealing with the Friend Zone are different for men and women. But before we continue, I'll need to once again address the ground rules of these articles and reaffirm that you accept these 4 truths of The Friend Zone.
This article will be gender segregated, as once again the plans of escape and dealing with the Friend Zone are different for men and women. But before we continue, I'll need to once again address the ground rules of these articles and reaffirm that you accept these 4 truths of The Friend Zone.
- THE FRIEND ZONE IS NOT GENDER SPECIFIC! BOTH MEN & WOMEN HAVE BEEN AND ARE IN THE FRIEND ZONE! However there are differences between men and women in The Friend Zone and how they end up in there, that will be explained later. But Men and Women have both experienced The Friend Zone. Taylor Swift has an entire song devoted to her Friend Zone status "Teardrops On My Guitar" and Eric Clapton's "Layla" is devoted to his status in The Friend Zone. So don't feed me this bullcrap that ONLY MEN can be in The Friend Zone.
- THOSE IN THE FRIEND ZONE DON'T JUST SEEK TO ACQUIRE SEX! Men and Women in The Friend Zone are NOT just seeking sexual intercourse, they are seeking a solid, long lasting relationship which would eventually lead to a potential marriage. No ONE puts THIS MUCH effort into acquiring sex (especially in this day and age where a few drinks will get you laid). Those in The Friend Zone DO NOT prove themselves as upstanding people for the sole purpose of sexual conquest. Granted, sex is the apex of human relationships, so in one aspect they are in fact seeking to have sex with the person they desire BUT SEX IS NOT THE ABSOLUTE GOAL!
- THE FRIEND ZONE CAN BE ESCAPED but the vast majority of people CHOOSE to remain in The Friend Zone (which will be explained in a later article)!
The Friend Zone #2: How Did We Get Here ?
- THE FRIEND ZONE IS NOT GENDER SPECIFIC! BOTH MEN & WOMEN HAVE BEEN AND ARE IN THE FRIEND ZONE! However there are differences between men and women in The Friend Zone and how they end up in there, that will be explained later. But Men and Women have both experienced The Friend Zone. Taylor Swift has an entire song devoted to her Friend Zone status "Teardrops On My Guitar" and Eric Clapton's "Layla" is devoted to his status in The Friend Zone. So don't feed me this bullcrap that ONLY MEN can be in The Friend Zone.
- THOSE IN THE FRIEND ZONE DON'T JUST SEEK TO ACQUIRE SEX! Men and Women in The Friend Zone are NOT just seeking sexual intercourse, they are seeking a solid, long lasting relationship which would eventually lead to a potential marriage. No ONE puts THIS MUCH effort into acquiring sex (especially in this day and age where a few drinks will get you laid). Those in The Friend Zone DO NOT prove themselves as upstanding people for the sole purpose of sexual conquest. Granted, sex is the apex of human relationships, so in one aspect they are in fact seeking to have sex with the person they desire BUT SEX IS NOT THE ABSOLUTE GOAL!
- THE FRIEND ZONE CAN BE ESCAPED but the vast majority of people CHOOSE to remain in The Friend Zone (which will be explained in a later article)!
The Friend Zone #1: What Is The Friend Zone ?

This series of articles will be the MOST IMPORTANT articles you will ever read and because of that, I have A LOT to preamble before we begin the article proper. This article will address concept of The Friend Zone, How it relates to men and women, and how to escape or deal with it. I have been called a misogynist and a sexist (which is hilarious, I'll tell my wife about that as she's read my previous blog and she agrees with I guess she's a misogynist too eh?) THEREFORE, I AM NOT writing these articles gender exclusive. These articles are written for BOTH MEN AND WOMEN!! NEITHER SIDE WILL BE VICTIMIZED OR DEMONIZED. In these articles The Friend Zone will be examined from BOTH SIDES of the room so that we can FINALLY lay this discussion to rest. In order to do this, I'll need you all to agree to a few truths about The Friend Zone;
- THE FRIEND ZONE IS NOT GENDER SPECIFIC! BOTH MEN & WOMEN HAVE BEEN AND ARE IN THE FRIEND ZONE! However there are differences between men and women in The Friend Zone and how they end up in there, that will be explained later. But Men and Women have both experienced The Friend Zone. Taylor Swift has an entire song devoted to her Friend Zone status "Teardrops On My Guitar" and Eric Clapton's "Layla" is devoted to his status in The Friend Zone. So don't feed me this bullcrap that ONLY MEN can be in The Friend Zone.
- THOSE IN THE FRIEND ZONE DON'T JUST SEEK TO ACQUIRE SEX! Men and Women in The Friend Zone are NOT just seeking sexual intercourse, they are seeking a solid, long lasting relationship which would eventually lead to a potential marriage. No ONE puts THIS MUCH effort into acquiring sex (especially in this day and age where a few drinks will get you laid). Those in The Friend Zone DO NOT prove themselves as upstanding people for the sole purpose of sexual conquest. Granted, sex is the apex of human relationships, so one aspect they are in fact seeking to have sex with the person they desire BUT SEX IS NOT THE ABSOLUTE GOAL!
- THE FRIEND ZONE CAN BE ESCAPED but the vast majority of people CHOOSE to remain in The Friend Zone (which will be explained in a later article)!
If you disagree with those truths about The Friend Zone then please STOP WASTING your time and don't read this article. Also I'll ask you to save your comments for when you finish the article as I have a feeling this is going to be a LONG ONE but I'll try to be snappy. But for something as HOTLY debated, discussed and subject to much discourse, a FULL ON DECONSTRUCTION is at hand. I will preamble this by saying that A LOT of this is anecdotal, personal experience and psychological/biological fact. Also I will be speaking in generalities, SO if you do not fit into the category I am discussing feel free to exclude yourself BUT understand that you are in the minority. So some can be taken with a grain of salt but I have much of what I believe on good authority. I'll try to make this humorous and break up the large blocks of texts with pretty pictures to keep your attention. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you're still with me this far then strap yourselves in; it's time to get educated.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Asians In The NFL & Gender Segregation
So if anyone's read my previous post a few weeks back, you'll know that I've become interested in The MRM. Not enough to join it or anything, but enough to open my eyes on a few issues that I haven't been privy too before. Anyway, I was watching a video not too long ago that raised an interesting topic about Gender Discrimination in various fields and I wanted to address that, so here we go;
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Why The Horror Genre Fails...
And we're back, once again talking about a topic that I have already addressed but unfortunately something came up that just lit a fire under my butt to re-address this topic. What am I talking about you ask? I'm talking about horror movies and why the vast majority of them (recently) unfortunately SUCK raw ass through a straw! I should preamble this by saying that I haven't seen EVER SINGLE horror movie ever (as horror is one of my least favorite genres) and I openly acknowledge that horror is PAINFULLY subjective and therefore what I find scary might not be what everyone else finds scary. Furthermore I should say that regardless of the acclaim they get, classic horror movies were NOT SCARY! Jason, Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, Pinhead, Chucky...every last one of them FREAKIN' STUPID AND NOT SCARY AT ALL! Blasphemy, I know but that's how I feel. Anyways let's get to the meat...
Friday, January 18, 2013
So Lately...
So lately I've been turned on to the Men's Rights Movement thanks to a blog that I thought I bookmarked but unfortunately didn't...*sad face*. Anyway The Men's Rights Movement is a counter movement to The 2nd Wave Feminist Movement. I'd like to be preamble this by saying that I didn't know much about Feminism, only that whenever it was brought up I ended up feeling like I just got yelled at for having a penis.
I won't deny that women have had it tough and there are many sexist things I can think of that hold women back, BUT I also won't deny that men have been shortchanged a lot as well, especially to the point of emasculation. I don't usually talk about serious topics here and I debated on where exactly I should make this post, either posting this here or on my Christian Blog, and I might just do two posts, one here and one that tackles this issue from a Christian perspective. We'll see. Anyways in my research within The MRM and Feminist Movement I've discovered a few things that I'd like to address so here we go;
I won't deny that women have had it tough and there are many sexist things I can think of that hold women back, BUT I also won't deny that men have been shortchanged a lot as well, especially to the point of emasculation. I don't usually talk about serious topics here and I debated on where exactly I should make this post, either posting this here or on my Christian Blog, and I might just do two posts, one here and one that tackles this issue from a Christian perspective. We'll see. Anyways in my research within The MRM and Feminist Movement I've discovered a few things that I'd like to address so here we go;
Fictional Serial Killers That Dexter Will Never Kill
So we all know I love "Dexter" and if you don't know, well the WAKE UP ALREADY! I've done reviews of the series, posted blogs about it and also did a podcast with 2 noteworthy "Dexter" reviewers not too long ago. Despite the fact that I didn't care for Season 7, I still nonetheless enjoy the series and I decided to play Death Battle and imagine a world in which Dexter goes toe-to-toe with some of cinema's and TV's most noteworthy serial killers, so here we go;
American Horror Story,
Scream Trilogy,
Serial Killers
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
The "Django Unchained" Controversy
So Spike Lee is back in the news again along with Katt Williams, why is that you ask? Well it's because of Quentin Tarantino's movie "Django Unchained". Recently Spike Lee tweeted;
Being a critic myself, I can totally understand the right to have an opinion on something, as everyone is entitled to theirs...that is of course if you're entitled to it. I have a rule of thumb for criticism and it goes a little something like this...
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