So here we are once again, "Dexter: Original Sin" trailer is among us now and coming out as soon as next month at the time of writing this (Nov. 29th, 2024) and *sigh* "Dexter" is not the franchise Showtime thinks it is, the premise of "Dexter" is very, very, simple, he's a serial killer that kills killers and the real gimmick of the show is how long can he do this before the gets caught...and unfortunately the original series answered this question (the answer being for a long freakin' time...because Miami Metro's Police Department has the intelligent of 2 rocks rattling around in a tin can...and one of those rocks is named Det. Quinn). And then the 2nd series "Dexter: New Blood" answered this question again, not very long as long as someone is paying attention, but that's the gimmick, how long can he keep this up. Since that question has been answered twice and in a definitive fashion, the need for a prequel series seems like putting a saddle on a dead horse in that Showtime is determined to ride our red-head human hacker to whatever dollar signs they believe are on the horizon.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Anime RE-Claimed:The Eminence In Shadow
When is an isekai not an isekai, or rather when is an isekai supposed to be an isekai? That's the questions I ask because when I think isekai I think of "a fish outta water" story where a character from one time or place has to adapt to another time or place BUT "The Eminence In Shadow" is more or less a parody of this and beyond. Minuro Kagenou was an unassuming young man in high school, just like anybody else, so normal was he that he was barely recognizable, HOWEVER, underneath Minuro's unassuming nature was a strength beyond comprehension as Minuro was actually something of a vigilante and not only that but freakishly strong, had a vast array of talents and abilities and was an expert in combat so apt that he was even able to go toe-to-toe with a former solider without suffering any damage. One fateful night while attempting to learn magic Minuro was struck by a vehicle (isn't it always) and was reborn in another world as Cid Kagenou. Now in a world filled with magic Cid continues his quest to become the Eminence In Shadow...but what does that even mean?
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Review
So what does a Nothing Burger taste like? Because for everything that this could have been (and it could have been a lot) this was at least in my opinion, the very definition of a Nothing Burger. I've been very lenient with the recent "Mortal Kombat" games, even giving "Mortal Kombat 1" an 8/10, I still consider "Mortal Kombat 11" to be the weakest entry and "Mortal Kombat X" to be the most wasted in terms of potential...but this...this is...*sigh*...this is unforgivable. Listen, I'll defend the concept of a the multiverse until I'm blue in the face because I think that any writer worth their salt to take a concept like a multiverse/timeline whatever and actually make something really awesome with it (take a look at Stephen King) so use of a multiverse isn't exactly lazy in and of itself as I've written before here, BUT when you do this with it...well...let's just dive in;
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
What If...?: The Acolyte
This one is an easy one because anything I do here is going to be leagues better than what Disney put out, but while I'm not one to go after low-hanging fruit, this one is BEGGING for a "What If...?" and I'm gonna give it to you! Granted this one is a lay-up but I'll be explaining my choices and expand on later seasons, which I'm projecting to be at least 3 Seasons. I won't keep you any longer, let's ask the question what if "The Acolyte" was good? No, like really good. Let's dive in;
Sunday, July 28, 2024
STRANGE LOG: The Last To Know, First To Return, Second To Do Whatever...
I've been away for a bit Boys and girls and while I feel like I'm not 100% back, I am dipping a toe in a return more or less. The truth is there really isn't much going on worth writing an entire article about. Entertainment has hit a massive low in my opinion. I could write an article on all the L's the entertainment industry is taking right now (and trust me, it's a lot) but there are more than enough YouTube channels out there that are doing the work for me. That said there are a few things worth discussing and we'll take a look at those below. Let's dive in;
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Anime RE-Claimed: Spy X Family
So here's a fun fact about me, I love me some James Bond, I love spies and spy stuff, I love James Bond so much that I even made my own James Bond-type character complete with a series of adventures that sound like unused Bond titles. This isn't to say that "Spy X Family" or "Spy Family" (because the "X" is silent) is anything like James Bond, it's not, not at all, BUT that is the groundwork for the series. When two different genres meets, the exciting spy thriller with...slice of life hilarity ensues. The American market does this often when some high-ranking military bad-ass is suddenly saddled with a bunch of kids ("Suburban Commando", "The Pacifier", "Cop and a Half", "The Spy Nextdoor") the list goes on, usually American tends to ramp up the comedy and while this isn't much different, anime has a way of making things more organic. What "Spy X Family" offers us is an unlikely trio of misfits who by hook and crook are somehow making a lie as thin as a sewing needle work as the foundation of a family, let's dive in.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Anime RE-Claimed: Classroom Of The Elite

I love schemers. And by schemers I mean the characters who are always 3 steps ahead of the other characters. It's a trend I have; Michael Scofield in "Prison Break", Frank Underwood in "House Of Cards", Light Yagami, L and Near in "Death Note", Moriarty in "Sherlock" Hannibal in...well..."Hannibal" and the list goes on. Even in my own works there always seems to be one character who's holding all the cards. "Classroom Of The Elite" is no different. I gotta be honest, I'm not sure what I was expecting when I picked up the manga, "Classroom Of The Elite" was one of those mangas that were getting pretty decent buzz, the characters were pretty dang cute and I'm a massive sucker for pretty faces. I wasn't sure what the manga was about but wanting to check something out I decided to give it a shot and I'm pretty dang happy I did. Let's dive in;
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
What To Make Of AI Art?
So AI is a thing now, for better or worse, it's here and it's our job to deal with it as best we can. One of the many uses of AI now on the horizon is AI Art as seen above. So what to do about AI Art? Is it a good thing? Bad thing? Some think it's a horrible thing, and others disagree, so where do I line up? Let's dive in and talk;
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Who or What Is A Fan?
Yes, I know, an honest-to-God article after all these...weeks? So a while back I was a part of a conversation between two coworkers here the topic of fans came up and one of my coworkers was expressing how bad it is for actors to disrespect fans (specifically "Star Wars" fans) and the other coworker stated that he has no respect for "Star Wars" in general as these are the people who bullied Kelly Marie Tran off of the internet due to her character Rose Tico and made the Jar Jar Binks actor suicidal. I never thought much about fandoms, and while I consider myself to be a fan of quite a few things I tend to shy away from fandom circles in general but this got me thinking, and when I get thinking an article is soon too follow to join me if you will as we figure out who or what is a fan?
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
STRANGE LOG: The Yesterday's Now
Salutations all, yes, I know its been a minute, and yes, I know I've been doing a lot of Strange Logs, but I haven't really had the wherewithal to write a fully researched and well-thought-out article. Yes, there have been quite a few topics I could talk about, namely "X-Men '97" but I'm not exactly interested in reviewing it so much as I am just watching it to enjoy it and thus far I am enjoying it. That said I think a lot has happened since my last Strange Log to warrant me writing another, so let's dive in.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
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