Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Snyder Cut Trailer Is Upon Us!

So after that weird-ass "Hallejuah" trailer, we finally have an official trailer to the much mythologized now actualized Snyder Cut of "Justice League", a little superhero film that dropped in 2017 and didn't do what it should have done in the box office. Now Warner Bros. powered by HBOMax are doing it again and this time with feeling by allowing director Zack Snyder to release his version of the movie. Now I've said it once and I'll say it again, I am NOT excited about this movie whatsoever, I am not exactly looking forward to it. I've been so burned out on The DCEU that I'm not even interested in seeing the films that people are saying are the good ones, namely "Wonder Woman", "Aquaman" and "Shazam" who I'm still refusing to call Shazam (his name will ALWAYS BE Captain Marvel, damnit!), because this film ("Justice League", both versions) will always be rushed products, Marvel took 12 years to build up to Thanos and "The Infinity Gauntlet", laid the groundwork for characters to grow and took their time, The DCEU crammed Wonder Woman in a movie she didn't belong in (Batman vs. Superman) and then stuffed "Justice League" with a bunch of characters we've only seen in BARELY cameos and made them fight a villain with no personality.

That was "Justice League", now we have "The Snyder Cut" and all the news about this thing still comes off as rushed and bloated. By bloated I mean they're going to have to do worldbuilding while at the same time keeping the narrative moving, films become bloated when you have to introduce a new thing and explain that thing because it's important to the story. The issues that are bloating this film are the Martian Manhunter, what would be the point of introducing the Martian Manhunter if he's not going to be important to the plot? Furthermore the character wasn't even hinted at in "Batman vs. Superman" or the original "Justice League" so having the character in this film makes NO sense. Jared Leto is returning as The Joker, no clue why, he was the worst part in "Suicide Squad" and I have no issues with Jared Leto but remove The Joker from "Suicide Squad" and the movie doesn't change AT ALL. Anyway, I'm rambling, in this article I'm gonna watch the official trailer and give you my 2 cents. Let's dive in;

Nope, I've finished watching the trailer...the movie still looks like ass, and let me tell you why, for starters, it doesn't look like much has changed (in all honesty how could it change all that much?), all of the same issues are present, the resurrection of Superman (he's wearing his Black suit...why?), the fact that Superman can still handle Steppenwolf on his own, Darkseid is in this movie now and MAYBE Steppenwolf has a little bit more personality (he looks different but he's still generic Bad guy #3 on the randomizer), the film still looks ugly as hell and now it's benefiting from the fact that "Woman Woman" and "Aquaman" have already dropped films so now their characters are sort of established, but taking that out of the equation this basically looks like the same movie with deleted scenes added in. I have yet to see a film where a deleted scene would have changed the film completely. But I digress.

Maybe it's the burn-out but I'm sorry I'm just not excited for this at all because I know where it's all going, NOWHERE! No sequel will come of this, and even if there were a sequel it wouldn't be any good because what's left? Darkseid and parademons? We already had that with Steppenwolf, kinda. And for my money, I'd have preferred an actual human actor play Steppenwolf than the CGI monstrosities we've gotten. Putting a human face on something works wonders in humanizing characters and they could've made Steppenwolf DC's answer to Loki (except without all the charisma because let's face it, Steppenwolf is just an evil bastard and pretty much on the lowest of the low ranks of Darkseid's crew, right below Kanto and Virman Vundabar...yes, BELOW them!) But I digress. 

Overall, I can say I'm probably going to have the same issues with this movie as I did with the previous one and they both will suck for completely different reasons. I hate typing this and I hate thinking about it because I WANT SO DESPERATELY to LOVE a DC Movie! I want to be excited and yet I feel bored out of my mind. I don't like hate-watching things, you'll notice I haven't said jack diddly squat about The CW's "Batwoman" or "Supergirl" because I'm not watching either of those shows because I know I'm not going to enjoy them, I watch "Riverdale" because despite being awful it makes me laugh and it's good to poke fun at, I don't hate it, I enjoy it because it's bad. I don't want to enjoy a "Justice League" movie because it's bad, I don't wanna mock a "Justice League" movie, I don't wanna poke fun at a "Justice League" movie, I wanna watch this movie and be wide-eyed the entire time. I wanna feel hyped! But I just don't. Time will tell and March is nearly upon us. I'll catch you guys then.

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