Wednesday, September 6, 2017

STRANGE LOG: 9-6-2017

Ugh! And we're back for more updates...I guess...maybe? Summer schedule is over (Praise God & The Man Jesus!) and we're moving into School schedule...assuming I don't get another job...(Hoping I get another job! REALLY HOPING!)  As it stands I'm just giving you guys updates into what's going on with me, here we go.

Guys, I'm not gonna lie, I haven't been feeling like myself lately and that's mostly due to a few things, 1) The soul sucking leech that is my job and how it eats away at not only my time but emotional and mental health 2)Taking care of my son taking priority above all things 3) I haven't been writing AT ALL. By writing I mean creative writing, I completely understand that I'm currently writing this but not the writing I'm talking about. While I'm hoping to acquire a new job before the year is out I am nonetheless frustrated with my current job and by the time I get off work I don't want to do anything but veg. As I've stated before I've been working on a book since 2008 but lately I've acquired an art tablet but the whole set up is so bulky using it is cumbersome. That and I haven't been working on any screenplays and that frustrates me to no end. That being said, I have no clue when I'll be able to start feeling like myself again and I miss me.

Moving right along, I started watching "Sherlock", before you all throw your legs over your head and pollute your trousers with delight I'm only 3 episodes in and boy are those episodes LONG. All in all though, I enjoy me some Benedict Cumberbatch and I like Martin Freeman and the chemistry they have is great. Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock is pretty much L from "Death Note" minus the awareness of his awkwardness, Hell, they even sit the same way. However Benedict's natural British charm makes him far more easy to deal with. Martin Freeman's Watson is a natural bad ass and they balance each other out. Looking forward to seeing what this series.

Now that Summer schedule is over I have a bit more time in the day to kick back for a bit and that means I'll have a bit more time to watch stuff for "Project Canceled". At the moment I'm currently watching and enjoying "Mortal Kombat: Conquest". As I've stated in my "The Best Of The Worst: Mortal Kombat Annihilation" review I'd be more than happy to review it and I finally got my hands on it. I won't expand anymore on that, least I give my review away, but I will say I am enjoying it very much so. That being said, I've been dragging my feet on the "VR Troopers" review but it will be coming eventually, please be patient.

Can I talk for a moment and be personal right quick? Yes, I guess I can since this is my blog. I'd like to talk about going out of my way to review something. The reason I bring this up is for a few reasons, personal reasons but reasons nonetheless. Despite those videos being removed we should all know exactly how I feel about "American Horror Story" and if you don't know I'll say this: "American Horror Story" is easily one of the worst written things I've ever seen in my wife, sitting through an entire season (Season 2: Asylum) was one of the worst viewing experiences I've had and I find it personally offensive as a writer that this series is still on the air. The series is basically softcore pornography with a plot so paper thin that it's practically translucent. That clear enough for you?

That being said I am feeling compelled to watch this season's premier. This current seasons of "American Horror Story" is titled "Cult", already my angry juices are boiling but that brings to mind the long gone but not forgotten brilliant CW show "Cult" and I LOVED "Cult". However, this season of "American Horror Story" (Season in the f*ck did this series survive THAT long without someone in upper management making a deal with Satan is beyond me) takes place in Michigan (my home state), has the word "cult" in it's subtitle and I'm a sucker for all things culty and religious in nature and apparently has to deal with the election. Here's where we have problems and not to get political but what the hell, this is my blog I'll say what I want.

I'm getting just a wee bit tired of the Donald Trump hysteria. A few months ago one of the kids at my job told me that Donald Trump was going to kill all the Black people. Despite being a Conservative myself, I didn't vote for Trump and Trump was not my first, second or third choice to be President, but he's nonetheless who won mostly due to shameful hyperbole like "Donald Trump said he was going to kill all the Black people.".  The day after the election, I posted the following:

"I've kept silent on this but I've decided to say at least one thing. We could've had Ted Cruz but he was The Zodiac Killer, we could've had Ben Carson but he wasn't Black enough, we could've had Carly Fiorina but she wasn't a real woman, we could've had Marco Rubio but he went on a water break. After EVERY reasonable candidate had been shouted down, screamed at, slandered as being racists, misogynists, homophobes, Islamaphobes, this, that and the other, you guys ultimately got left with the most unreasonable, unfiltered, untempered person. The Republicans didn't create Trump, you guys did. Everyone who called Ben Carson a Coon, everyone who accused Marco Rubio of wanting to be White, everyone who said Carly Fiorina hates women, said Ted Cruz was Quagmire. Nobody even noticed that the top Republican candidates were 2 Cubans, 1 Black guy and a Woman! And yet everyone still wanna claim The Republican Party is a Party for Old Rich White men, you guys caused that to become a self-fulfilling prophecy by ignore the OBVIOUS diversity whilst ignore that the Democratic Candidates are both elderly wealthy White people (Hilary & Bernie). Republicans didn't want Trump. Hilary created Trump when she screwed Bernie Sanders to secure The DNC. I'm no fan of Sanders but I won't deny he was done dirty. The creation of Trump was started by people who cried Wolf one too many times...and now that the actual Big Bad Wolf is here, no one's around to hear you."

and the reason I'm bringing all of this up is to say that "American Horror Story" is ONCE again giving into the shameful Donald Trump hysteria. This featured 2 lesbians who were terrified about Trump election...which is odd considering Trump got booed for waving around a Rainbow flag which signified the gays who voted for him. "American Horror Story" creator Ryan Murphy stated that "the season will be representative of both sides of the political divide; however, the writer says he will be "illuminating and highlighting" groups of people he believes to be "ignored by the current [Trump] administration and who are afraid and feel terrorized that their lives are going to be taken away.". Which means he'll be focusing on Blacks and "racism" because Trump is racist...right...and gay people and women...etc...etc...and showcasing how evil Trump voters are. By the first episode we see a Trump supporter named Kai throwing a urine filled condom at Mexicans and being openly racist towards them, tell me I'm wrong that such a thing is not indicative of where this season is going. You can't.

The fact of the matter is I'm frustrated talking about this now because I want to keep my political leanings as far away from this blog as possible as to not divide my audience (all 2 of you) but when politics start bleed into popular culture it just becomes harder and harder to avoid. This once again showcases my issues with "American Horror Story" and it's poor and lazy writing by appealing to the anti-Trump hysteria by saying exactly what anti-Trumpers want to hear "Trump supporters are racists, evil, hateful people.". It's such a safe and shameless way to write that it's borderline propaganda. That being said, despite my intrigue at the word "cult" being included in the subtitle of this season I shant be watching it for the reasons I stated above...that and Lena Dunham is featured in this season and I'm 100% if I lay eyes on her my eyes will bleed.

All in all, that finishes this entry in the Strange Log, I'll catch you guys later. Here's a GIF of Once you see it you'll sh*t bricks.


  1. Once again, great blog. I was wondering what your thoughts are on the newly announced live action DC Titans show.

    1. Thanks for reading and welcome to my blog!! I haven't heard much information on the "Titans" TV show but my initial reaction is "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

  2. LOL! I'm quite unsure as to whether it can properly work as a live action tv show. I think the reasoning was that because Young Justice Season 3 was coming back, they did not want another animated property beside it, so they decided to make it live action.
